Monday, 18 August 2014


Yesterday morning, God shared with me about Prophets and their messages of correction.
1. He said he uses Prophets to warn His children so they enjoy blessings and avoid suffering, but He also warns for His own personal reasons too. He has to warn because He loves. His loving heart cannot enjoy His luxurious home, knowing that He did not do all He could to help His children enjoy His luxuries with Him.
2. God also reminded me that He never sends correcting Prophets with warnings,unless it is very important and serious. God has a lot of patience, but when it is time that He sends a Prophet with a warning message of correction, it is both urgent and serious, because the time for Gods patience, is about to end, and the time for what is warned about, is about to commence.
3. God’s patience has been huge.. about 1800 years .. far bigger than ever before. Similarly, the coming corrections and refining horrors will far surpass all known before it.
4. Jesus describes in Matthew 25:5 that all the bridesmaids fell asleep. They all awoke, and the difference was that half had extra oil and half didnt. The oil is the Holy Spirit. Half had made a relationship with God, but half had not. There was not the time to develop spiritual intimacy with God; there was no time to develop a walking and talking relationship with Him. They were left behind.
5. Spiritual intimacy takes time and few will pay the lifestyle price to get it because we only love God halfway. God teaches in His prophecies about how to fix our relationship with Him, in the short time remaining.
6. Prophets are miserable and their message is about change and correction. People love to hear that everything is good,God is happy, and they are saved and going to heaven. Correcting Prophets bring bad news, their message is not popular, because God is not happy and there is much to change. A correcting Prophet’s message is not that it is time to party, but that it is time to repent and change.
7. The false teaching of man is a happy teaching, but leads to regret and suffering. The true teaching of God that comes from the correcting Prophet has many messages of correction and urgent warnings to change, but for those who heed the warnings of God, there is the party of all parties, the celebration of all celebrations .. joining Christ for the wedding feast.
Please listen to God’s warnings, escape the coming suffering, and prepare for the imminent eternal celebrations.

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